summer internship program

Grundy County Summer Internship Program

Intern Insights

Listen below to the Grundy County Internship program interns describe their unique experiences, demonstrate their workforce readiness, and explain the value of the program to students and organizations alike.  Organizations interested in participating in the program are encouraged to contact the GEDC.

A Pipeline to a Quality Workforce

2024 wrapped up the 12th year of the Grundy Summer Internship Program.  The 41 paid internships this year were with 15 different companies providing students with real work experience.  Students were able to gain real work experience in fields such as engineering, healthcare, marketing, and accounting.  To date, nearly 300 students have gone through the program.

The Grundy County Summer Internship Program provides a connection between local businesses and a talented future workforce and brings value to both the business and student.  The program is a cooperative initiative by Senator Sue Rezin, Grundy Economic Development Council (GEDC), the Grundy Area Vocational Center, and community leaders in business and education. The program began in 2013 with just 12 internships and 3 companies. The program was based on a mutual desire expressed by leaders in education and industry to highlight local employment opportunities and retain local talent in Grundy County.

The internship program brings value to both the business and the student. The business commits to providing a quality work experience and the education community commits to sending pre-screened, hardworking, and high performing students. The junior and senior students come from the four area high schools and the Grundy Area Vocational Center (GAVC) and many have academic preparation for their respective fields of interest.

For more information on the program click here or call the GEDC office.

What employers are saying...

"I’ve really enjoyed being a part of the internship program this year. I hope our interns walked away with some valuable knowledge and experience that they can carry with them in their continued education and careers ahead."

"We love being part of the program every year, and we had a great intern this year."

"Our intern will have a place to work if he comes back to Morris in the future. We'd be glad to hire him, and he said he would be glad to work for us."

“This program has provided very strong, enthusiastic candidates!”

“This is a good program that benefits the participants and the company.”

What interns are saying...

"I learned a deeper proficiency in Word, Excel, and Canva as well as a deeper understanding of our local economy."

"I’ve learned more information about the plant than I ever could have online. In addition, I’ve learned valuable skills such as how to conduct an informational interview, which was taught to me by my mentor when interviewing the engineers on the plant. I’ve also gained hands-on experience on the plant that I would not have been able to get anywhere else."

"The coolest thing I learned is how all of these engineering types, contractors, businesses, etc. work together and make a project. I have been able to sit in on meetings and even communicate directly with business owners on different projects. I have gotten much better at CAD drawings and learned many standards and regulations of the engineering world, frequently referencing IDOT and city standards when I'm designing projects."

“Working as an intern at Aux Sable Liquid Products was a great experience. It showed me the ins and outs of the career I am hoping to pursue and the great opportunities within my hometown.”

The GEDC and the Grundy County Chamber are seeking proposals for an Economic Diversification and Resiliency Plan for Grundy County. To learn more and to view the full RFP, click here. Submissions accepted via email until February 9, 2024 at 4 PM.