Great News for Grundy County – $600,000 Awarded to Build Economic Resilience


The Grundy Economic Development Council (GEDC) and the Grundy County Chamber of Commerce are excited to have been awarded a US EDA grant to help nuclear host communities plan for and build more diverse, resilient economies. Many thanks to Grundy County for supporting the application and providing the 20% match. North Central Council of Governments will assist as the grant administrator.

The grant focuses on regions with nuclear plants and provides funding to local entities to evaluate economic impacts, competitive diversification, decommissioning issues, and building community capacity. The GEDC looks forward to putting the money to good use, building a strong economy for Grundy County and its residents. More details to follow in the coming months!

The GEDC and the Grundy County Chamber are seeking proposals for an Economic Diversification and Resiliency Plan for Grundy County. To learn more and to view the full RFP, click here. Submissions accepted via email until February 9, 2024 at 4 PM.